Those who know me will know that I absolutely despise mushrooms. I have felt nothing but repugnance for them ever since I can remember.
Some have tried to convert me in the past, but I’ve always refused to see the light.
If I get fed something containing mushrooms, then admittedly I’ll put on the happiest face possible and just eat the dreaded meal, but my soul feels dirty and used for days, sometimes weeks, afterwards.
This happened only a month or so ago whilst visiting my grandmother, bless her. She wasn’t aware of my contempt for said ingredient and proceeded to make a mushroom risotto for dinner. My heart sank to my toes when she told me of this. It contained about 10% rice and 90% mushroom, but I somehow managed to get through the entire dish thanks to its saltiness taking my mind off the fungi. By the time I reached the end though, I came to the realisation that I really need to grow some balls and get over this pathetic resentment of mine.
Cut forward to today – this morning I was on the phone to my mum and she suggested that I cook something. I put two and two together and decided to take her up on that suggestion.
So now, ladies and gentleman, I present to you… the Mushroom Milkshake!
You are one crazy mofo Dan hahaha but I love it!
Cheers Kenny, I assume you won’t be giving this recipe a go at work?! 😉
Mushrooms were the one thing I couldn’t stand either for the lingest time. But for one who prides herself on adventurous eating, this was unacceptable. I have developed a taste for them through trial and error, but the thing that helped the most was getting pregnant. I craved the darn things (and couldn’t stand the sight of a carrot). So I guess you’re out of luck. ;P Your video cracked me up! 😀
So you know exactly what I’m talking about Alina! It’s very interesting that pregnancy changed your appetite like that. I’m glad there’s hope for me yet – maybe the trial and error thing will pay off in the end eh? Thanks & glad you enjoyed the video!
No matter how brave you become in eating mushrooms always remember… It’s a fuckng fungus.
You rock, man.
Cheers Amanda! You summed it up perfectly: it’s a fucking fungus 🙂