
Earlier this afternoon I went to the Royal Botanic Gardens in Sydney specifically to take photos of the sulphur-crested cockatoos that hang out in the trees and on the lawns. They were so damn adorable and surprisingly tame. Here are my favourites of the snaps I took:


Cockatoo munching on a twig


Cockatoo with a cheeky look on his face


Cockatoo & a statue


More cockatoos


Cockatoo sitting at the top of a tree stump


Cockatoos arguing over an irrigation system


Cockatoo sitting on a signpost


Cockatoo on a palm frond


Not a cockatoo


Cockatoos fossicking through the ground


Cockatoo with the Harbour Bridge in the background


Cockatoo with Sydney Tower in the background


Cockatoos by a flower garden


Cockatoo having a sip of water from a leaking tap


Not cockatoos


I want one as a pet now!


  1. Ha ha, sorry I didnt leave a comment last night because I was so bothered and stuffed!!! But indeed they are GREAT pics you gots talent. Especially the way you’ve kind of “photoshopped” them. Love the one of the cocky on the palm frond with his wings flapping!

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